Blog, Gas Line

Understanding Natural Gas Leak Line Detection & Repair

A natural gas leak, or even the possibility of a leak, can be a scary thing to think about. If left unchecked, a gas leak can lead to inhaling toxic fumes and could even lead to a disastrous explosion. Therefore, it is vital to look for the signs that could mean you have a potential leak coming from your natural gas lines.

Some common signs you may have a natural gas leak

-The most obvious sign of a gas leak, and generally the first one to be noticed, is the stench of rotten eggs. This smell is most likely to be found around connections that hook into gas-powered appliances. These connections can become damaged and cause a dangerous leak. Check for the smell around natural gas water heaters, gas-powered fireplaces, or around the outside of your home.

-The next sign you’re likely to catch is a sound. This can be a form of a hissing or whistling sound coming directly from the line. Fortunately, this sound can also point to where the possible leak may be coming from.

-Finally, look for any dead vegetation in your lawn. When a damaged line leaks onto the surface of your yard, it will usually kill the surrounding plant life.

Gas lines can become damaged in a variety of ways. They may be exposed to extreme weather, the ground can shift, or pipes can be damaged by the normal wear and tear of everyday use.

What to do in the event of a gas leak

If a leak does happen, the first and most important thing you can do is to immediately vacate the property. Do not power on any electronic devices that could potentially cause a spark. If your car is close to the house, don’t start it either. It should also go without saying to refrain from using a lighter or anything containing an open flame.

If you suspect you may have a natural gas leak, contact a local plumbing service equipped to handle gas lines. They will send a technician to help locate the leak and will walk you through the stages of repair or, if necessary, replacement. The first thing a plumbing technician will do is perform a gas leak test. This is done by introducing a pressure gauge to determine if there is a leak in the line. There are a variety of methods technicians use to detect where a gas leak is coming from. Once the leak is discovered, your technician should walk you through your options and provide a price quote up front.

Repairing natural gas lines

Many gas leak repairs require city permits for the work. A qualified natural gas line plumber will cover this part of the process for you. They will work with the city to retain whatever permitting requirements might be necessary. Some cities also require that the entire gas system of the home pass a pressure test before it will pass inspection. Again, this is something your technician will know how to handle so that your service is restored as quickly as possible.

Get efficient and professional natural gas line services with Cole’s Plumbing

If you need an expert gas line inspection or repair contact the professionals at Cole’s Plumbing. We use the most up-to-date and best technologies for diagnosis & repair while providing the best service for the best prices. Give us a call or send a text today to (972) 210-9033 or complete the Get an Estimate form for more information about how we can help you.


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